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Two people wounded in Ukrainian shelling of Belgorod Region

Vyacheslav Gladkov said that windows were broken in 14 private residences across four streets of the village

BELGOROD, May 23. /TASS/. Two civilians were wounded after the Belgorod Region's Novaya Tavolzhanka was shelled by the Ukrainian military, Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said.

"The Ukrainian armed forces shelled the village of Novaya Tavolzhanka in the Shebekinsky urban district using MLRS. According to preliminary data, two civilians were injured," he wrote on his Telegram channel.

According to Gladkov, an elderly man sustained multiple shrapnel wounds to his lumbar, and an elderly woman received shrapnel wounds to her head and shoulder.

The governor said that windows were broken in 14 private residences across four streets of the village. Facades, roofs and fences were cut.