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Russia respects BRICS countries' ideas on Ukraine settlement — MFA

At the same time, Sergey Ryabkov remarked that the West continued to deny the reasons and motives for starting the special military operation

MOSCOW, February 1. /TASS/. Russia pays great attention and respects the initiatives put forward by the BRICS countries regarding a settlement in Ukraine, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister and BRICS sherpa Sergey Ryabkov told a news conference following the first meeting of the sherpa and sous-sherpa group within the framework of the Russian presidency.

"We treat with great respect and attention the initiatives and ideas that a number of BRICS members are putting forward in the context of the situation in and around Ukraine. This includes the Brazilian initiative, the proposals of the People's Republic of China, and the outstanding role of the Republic of South Africa in discussing and promoting approaches to a potential peace settlement," he said, when asked whether there was a common understanding among BRICS members of the principles on which the Ukrainian conflict could be resolved.

"There are certainly topics here that we continue to discuss and consider among the BRICS participants," he stressed.

At the same time, Ryabkov remarked that the West continued to deny the reasons and motives for starting the special military operation.

"The history of this acute crisis is utterly ignored. They pretend that everything that is happening in the world on this front started on February 24, 2022, while nothing had existed before. This is gross disinformation and propaganda, which the mass media, political thinktanks, and official representatives in the Western group are selling not only to their population, but also to the entire international community," Ryabkov stated.

"No changes will occur before they open their eyes, recognize the hard facts, and understand that it is impossible to reach an agreement based on the so-called Zelensky formula. At the same time, we are open to a dialogue with anyone who is inclined to contribute to a constructive solution. In this context, of course, we continue to discuss this issue with our BRICS partners," Ryabkov concluded.