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Presidents of Russia, Egypt keep dialog on Palestine

"We are regularly discussing all the international and regional agenda issues that are the most significant for our countries," the Russian leader noted

MOSCOW, January 23. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that he is regularly communicating with President of Egypt Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, including discussions on the situation around Palestine.

"We are constantly communicating in general with Mr. El-Sisi. We met last year during the second Russia - Africa summit. We are regularly discussing all the international and regional agenda issues that are the most significant for our countries. In particular, we are exchanging opinions and agreeing upon positions in view of the tragic development of the situation in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. We are solving issues of humanitarian nature," the Russian leader said at the ceremony of first concrete pouring into the foundation of the fourth power generating unit at the El-Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in Egypt.

Electricity generation by the nuclear plant will help to improve the ecological situation in the region, the Russian President said. "Unlike coal-fired and gas-fired power plants, the nuclear power plant will not have carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere, which will definitely have a beneficial effect on environment and health of people," Putin added.