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US actions in Middle East provoking anger in Arab world — Russian envoy to UN

UNITED NATIONS, January 4. /TASS/. Actions of the United States that undermine all efforts to establish ceasefire in the Gaza Strip outrage the Arab world, Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya said.

"Time and again, exercising the veto right for this purpose, Washington undermines all the efforts to provide Palestinians with humanitarian aid and both products of the [UN] Security Council passed over that time - resolutions 2712 and 2720 - essentially remain non-implemented. This provokes anger in the Arab world, which sometimes acquires such hazardous forms as actions of the Ansar Allah [movement]. It is becoming increasingly difficult for governments of Middle East countries to control emotions of population; it is almost impossible in a situation when a non-state player intervenes," the Russian diplomat said at the meeting of the UN Security Council.

"The Middle East region is very disappointed that during all that time, the US covering up Israel’s actions holds hostage other members of the Security Council and does not allow adoption of a resolution demanding the immediate ceasefire," Nebenzya added.