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UN Security Council vehicle for spreading false information on Ukraine — diplomat

Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya noted that "the opinion of the West is shamelessly presented as the only correct one"

United Nations, September 5. /TASS/. The UN Security Council has turned into a platform for spreading false information about the Ukrainian issue, said Russia's permanent representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya at a meeting.

"The use of absentee accusations and namecalling, sabotage, diktat and manipulation have become the favorite tactics of our Western colleagues. On some subjects, Ukraine for example, the Security Council has long ago turned into a platform for voicing the most absurd false information and propaganda rhetoric by Western countries," the Russian Permanent Representative said.

He noted that "the opinion of the West is unapologetically billed as the only correct one." "Does this destructive line contribute to the unity of the Council? Hardly," Nebenzya concluded.