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Poland to close consular agency in Russian city of Smolensk on August 31 — MFA

"The Republic of Poland reserves the right to take appropriate retaliatory measures," the statement reads

MOSCOW, July 14. /TASS/. Poland’s consular agency in the western Russian city of Smolensk will be closed on August 31, the Polish Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Friday.

The Foreign Ministry described Russia’s decision to shut down the Smolensk facility "as yet another unfriendly and incomprehensible act." "The Republic of Poland reserves the right to take appropriate retaliatory measures," the statement said.

According to the Polish ministry, the consular agency was tasked in particular with "constantly monitoring the plane crash scene outside Smolensk and the Polish War Cemetery in Katyn." "The facility provided assistance to the Polish citizens who regularly visited the graves and memorial sites crucial for Poland," the Foreign Ministry added.

News came earlier on Friday that Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin had signed an order to shut down Poland’s consular agency in Smolensk. The cabinet explained that the decision had been taken in response to the Polish government’s unfriendly actions toward Russia. In particular, these have included the illegal seizure of Russia’s diplomatic property in Poland and a significant reduction in Russia’s diplomatic presence in Poland. "The Russian government order, approved as a retaliatory measure, will enable restoring parity between the consular facilities of Russia in Poland and those of Poland in Russia," the cabinet elaborated.

Consular agencies are deemed to be consular institutions of the lowest level.