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Russian embassy in Libya currently temporarily working out of hotel, envoy says

According to Aydar Aganin, the relevant Libyan agencies, primarily the so-called diplomatic security directorate under the Libyan Foreign Ministry, has been in contact with the Russian embassy from the start

MOSCOW, July 11. /TASS/. Russia’s diplomatic mission in Libya is being temporarily accommodated in a hotel, Russian Ambassador to Libya Aydar Aganin told TASS in an interview, adding that it is difficult to say when more appropriate premises will become available.

Commenting on the embassy’s current operations, the Russian diplomat recalled the events of October 2013, when gunmen attempted to break into the embassy building and a decision was made to evacuate the embassy staff to neighboring Tunisia amid the developments in Libya.

"It became clear later on that it would be safer to work from a well-protected five-star hotel, but that scenario has not been a secure option since the civil war broke out in Libya. At present, the Russian embassy has relocated to the same hotel it vacated nine years ago. Naturally, this is a temporary solution. But, it’s hard to say when we will be able to find a building that will suit us," Aganin lamented.

According to him, the relevant Libyan agencies, primarily the so-called diplomatic security directorate under the Libyan Foreign Ministry, has been in contact with the Russian embassy from the start. "[They] have been giving us every type of assistance, and we are proceeding on the assumption that this practice will continue in the future as well," the diplomat added.