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Moscow authorities introduced passes over residents’ poor discipline, Kremlin says

Currently, Moscow healthcare system faces the biggest load, the Kremlin spokesman said

MOSCOW, April 15. /TASS/. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov explained introduction of passes in Moscow by the capital’s residents’ and guests’ poor discipline.

Answering the journalists’ questions Wednesday, the spokesman reminded that implementation of various coronavirus prevention measures is competence of the regional authorities, adding that "each region makes decisions on its own."

"Currently, Moscow healthcare system faces the biggest load, and, sadly, the residents of Moscow and its guests (not so welcome these days), did not display proper discipline in compliance with the self-isolation regimes," Peskov said. "This was the only reason the Moscow authorities decided to introduce the passes."

According to Peskov, "the situation is completely obvious; there is only one goal - to enforce the self-isolation regime, which will first allow us to reach [an incidence] plateau and then - a decrease of the epidemiologic threat."