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Two civilians killed in Ukrainian shelling of Lisichansk — LPR Head Pasechnik

According to him, earlier the Ukrainian forces fired, presumably, six HIMARS munitions at downtown Lisichansk, damaging two nine-story buildings

LUGANSK, May 22. /TASS/. Two people were killed in the Ukrainian shelling of residential buildings in Lisichansk, Lugansk People’s Republic, LPR Head Leonid Pasechnik said.

"The inhumane Ukrainian shelling of residential buildings in Lisichansk took lives of two civilians, according to preliminary information. Four injured people have been hospitalized, they are being provided with all necessary medical assistance," he said on his Telegram channel.

Earlier on Wednesday, he said that the Ukrainian forces fired, presumably, six HIMARS munitions at downtown Lisichansk, damaging two nine-story buildings.

Despite the threats of repeat strikes, the rescuers continue to remove the debris; investigators also work at the scene, Pasechnik said. He ordered the Lisichansk city administration to assess the damage.

The head of the republic noted that this is not the first time that the Ukrainian forces shell the Lisichansk civilians.

"The February attack at the bakery restaurant took lives of 28 civilians. I am certain that the perpetrators of all crimes against civilians will be identified and punished," Pasechnik said.