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Share of Asian countries in Russia’s foreign trade reach almost 70% — Customs Service

In this trade turnover, China is growing very actively, trade with India is growing at the fastest pace, acting head of the Federal Customs Service Ruslan Davydov noted

MOSCOW, October 31. /TASS/. The share of the European Union in the total volume of Russian foreign trade today is only 16%, while the share of Asian countries has grown to 70%, acting head of the Federal Customs Service Ruslan Davydov said at the plenary session of the International Customs Forum in Moscow.

"If in pre-crisis, pre-Covid times, the share of European Union countries in our trade was 50% or more, now this share has decreased to 16%, and the share of Asian countries, as we see here, has grown to almost 70% and continues to grow. In this trade turnover, China is growing very actively, trade with India is growing at the fastest pace. Trade turnover with Latin American countries is growing," he said.

Earlier, Davydov reported that the CIS countries now account for 14% of Russian foreign trade, and the EAEU countries account for 12%. At the same time, the volume of Russian trade with all CIS countries, except Moldova, is growing.