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Novak says Turkey considering roadmap on gas hub with Russia

The project first of all implies the creation of an electronic gas trading platform in Turkey, the Russian deputy prime minister noted

MOSCOW, October 13. /TASS/. Russia has drafted and submitted to Turkey a roadmap on the creation of a gas hub, which Ankara is studying, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said.

"This project is being discussed now, a roadmap has been drafted and it has been submitted to Turkish partners. They are studying it now. As soon as it is signed it will be implemented as planned," he said in an interview with RT Arabic.

The project first of all implies the creation of an electronic gas trading platform in Turkey, Novak noted. "There are many suppliers there, including Russia, one of the biggest ones, though there are many consumers as well, including Turkey and European countries. Its own electronic trading platform should obviously be there, electronic commerce that forms price quotations," he said.