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Two Ukrainian army attacks thwarted – Russian Defense Ministry

According to the department, we are talking about repelling attacks in the directions of Rabotin and Verbovoy in the Zaporozhye region

MOSCOW, October 1. /TASS/. The Russian troops repelled two attacks of the Ukrainian army in directions of Rabotino and Verbovoe settlements in the Zaporozhye Region, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

"In the Zaporozhye area, units of the Russian battlegroup interacting with army and assault aviation thwarted two attacks of 65th and 117th mechanized brigades of the Ukrainian armed forces in the direction of Rabotino and Verbovoe areas of the Zaporozhye Region. Furthermore, aviation strikes and artillery fire engaged manpower and materiel of the 65th mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian armed forces to the north of Rabotino settlement of the Zaporozhye Region," the ministry informed.