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Hezbollah drones attack artillery base in north Israel

"During the attack, a command-and-observation post <…> was damaged," the armed wing of Lebanon’s Hezbollah party claimed on Telegram

BEIRUT, May 23. /TASS/. The armed wing of Lebanon’s Hezbollah party claimed responsibility for a drone attack on Israeli artillery base in Upper Galilee in a statement, published on Telegram.

"Islamic resistance units used kamikaze drones to strike an artillery base in the settlement of Beit Hillel," the statement says. "During the attack, a command-and-observation post <…> was damaged."

Also, a mortar and rocket attack on settlements of Avivim and Kfar Giladi "resulted in deaths and injuries among Israeli soldiers."

The statement says the attacks came in retaliation for Israeli air raids on border regions in south Lebanon, including on the town of Maroun al-Ras, where two Shia fighters were killed.

According to the Naharnet news portal, Israeli air raids and shelling attacks have left a total of 89 civilians dead in south Lebanon since the conflict in the Middle East escalated in October 2023. Hezbollah and pro-Palestinian armed groups lost around 480 members. Israel, in turn, lost 14 servicemen as dead. Also, 11 Jewish settlers were killed during raids by Shia gunmen.