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Russia firmly fights back against US in Ukraine crisis — China’s parliament speaker

Li Zhanshu said that the United States seeks to transform the Ukraine crisis into a long-term, complicating and expansive one

MOSCOW, September 8. /TASS/. Russia is fighting back well against the United States in the situation around Ukraine, and Beijing comprehends Moscow’s position, Li Zhanshu, chairman of China’s National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, said on Thursday at a meeting with Russian State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin.

"As far as Ukraine is concerned, we also have a full understanding of Russia’s concerns and Russia’s position. I think that the crux of the Ukraine crisis is a worthy Russian response to American provocation," he said.

The speaker said that the United States seeks to transform the Ukraine crisis into "a long-term, complicating and expansive one."

"And in this process, from that point of view, Ukraine is going to simply fall victim to the policy, which Europe also suffers from. It is about a worsening socio-economic condition. The US reputation is eroding across the world as well. The United States wants to maintain its dominance in the world, and for this purpose they organize pressure and double deterrence against us [China and Russia] by hook or by crook," Li Zhanshu added.

"From this point of view, our fight against them will be protracted, it will be difficult, it will be long-term. The United States will not stop its provocations easily. We will not accept it either, we will not give in to their provocations," he said.