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Vatican says Pope Benedict XVI will be buried beneath St. Peter's Basilica

The funeral will be attended by two official delegations - from Germany and Italy

VATICAN, December 31. /TASS/. Pope Emeritus at rest, Benedict XVI, who died at the age of 96, will be buried in the Vatican Grottoes beneath St. Peter's Basilica, the Vatican announced on Saturday.

The funeral will be held on Thursday, January 5, in St. Peter's Square presided over by Pope Francis. Prior to that, for three days from January 2, the coffin with the body of the former pontiff will be exhibited in St. Peter's Basilica for farewell.

The funeral will be attended by two official delegations - from Germany and Italy. Access to the funeral will be free upon registration with the special service of the Vatican, the statement says.

The German cardinal, prominent theologian Josef Ratzinger ascended the papal throne in 2005 after the death of his predecessor John Paul II, taking the name Benedict XVI.

In 2013, he became the first pontiff in 600 years to abdicate the papacy. Benedict, who at that time was 85 years old, explained his decision by the lack of strength to manage the Roman Catholic Church.