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Moscow reports less than 1% of repeated COVID-19 cases - mayor

The small number of repeated infections means that immunity to the disease is quite long, so those who have had COVID-19 should not be in a hurry to get vaccinated, Sergei Sobyanin noted

MOSCOW, January 29. /TASS/. Secondary coronavirus infections are registered in less than one percent of COVID-19 cases in Moscow, Moscow’s Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said on Friday.

"We see that the number of reinfections is very small. Judging by the base we have, reinfections account for less than one percent of cases," he said in an interview with the Vesti daily news roundup on the Rossiya-1 television channel.

The small number of repeated infections means that immunity to the disease is quite long, so those who have had COVID-19 should not be in a hurry to get vaccinated, he noted.

"It is better to wait until summer or autumn to get prepared for the winter season. But if these people want to get inoculated, they are welcome," he added.

Moscow is number one among Russian regions in terms of COVID-19 tally. According to the anri-coronavirus crisis center, the city has recorded 925,359 coronavirus cases, with 803,642 patients having recovered and 13,300 having died.