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Doctors in Belgorod stabilize condition of Russian journalist, his wife

Akifi is hooked up to a ventilator in intensive care, while his wife's condition is assessed as stable

MOSCOW, October 13. /TASS/. Belgorod regional hospital specialists have stabilized the condition of Sputnik news outlet reporter Khaibar Akifi, who was injured during a shelling attack by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, chief of medicine at the Belgorod Regional Clinical Hospital of St. Joasaph Roman Protsenko told the regional crisis center.

Akifi is hooked up to a ventilator in intensive care, while his wife's condition is assessed as stable.

"Thanks to the efforts of our emergency workers, we managed to stabilize his condition, now considered to be of moderate severity. <...> The patient is hooked up to an artificial ventilator [for the lungs]," the doctor said.

He pointed out that the patient arrived at the hospital in a state of shock. He had severe mine blast trauma, including damage to his chest and other injuries.

As the crisis center noted, the woman’s condition is stable, of moderate severity. "She is in the intensive care unit of the second city hospital, conscious, breathing on her own," they said.

Doctors at the regional hospital consulted with leading specialists from the National Medical Research Center of Surgery named after A. V. Vishnevsky.