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Severely ill convicts to be released immediately upon court order — law

Previously, convicts who fell seriously ill after committing a crime and were diagnosed with a serious illness that prevented them from serving their sentence could be released under a court order

MOSCOW, May 29. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law on the immediate execution of court orders to release convicts diagnosed with serious illnesses from jail. The document has been uploaded to the legal information portal.

Previously, convicts who fell seriously ill after committing a crime and were diagnosed with a serious illness that prevented them from serving their sentence could be released under a court order. In this case, the court ruling could be appealed within 15 days, so seriously ill convicts were not released immediately after the court made such a decision and continued to serve their term, waiting for the expiration of the period reserved for appeal. Now the court ruling to relieve a convicted person of serving the sentence for health reasons is to be acted on at once. The law comes into force 10 days after its publication.