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Putin congratulates Indonesian President-elect Subianto with victory at polls — Kremlin

The Russian leader expressed confidence that Prabowo Subianto's activity as head of state will contribute to the further development of the entire range of Russian-Indonesian cooperation for the benefit of both countries' citizens

MOSCOW, February 16. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has sent his sincere congratulations to Indonesian President-elect Prabowo Subianto on his election win, according to the text of the congratulatory telegram that was published on the Kremlin website.

"Dear Mr. Prabowo Subianto, please accept my sincere congratulations on the occasion of your convincing victory in the presidential election. Indonesian-Russian relations are based on beneficent traditions of friendship and mutual respect and are successfully developing in various areas," Putin’s congratulatory message reads.

Putin expressed confidence that Subianto's activity as head of state will contribute to the further development of the entire range of Russian-Indonesian cooperation for the benefit of both countries' citizens, and in the interests of strengthening security and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.

"I am counting on a constructive dialogue with you and fruitful joint work on topical issues on the bilateral and international agenda," the Russian leader concluded, wishing the Indonesian president-elect success, health and well-being.

The election in Indonesia, where more than 204 mln people have the right to vote, is considered the largest direct election in the world. Voting took place at more than 820,000 polling stations. The president-elect and vice president-elect will take office in October.