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US 'destroyed' INF Treaty needing missiles against China — Lavrov

The negative consequences of this step for regional and global security are obvious, the Russian foreign minister said

MOSCOW, December 28. /TASS/. The US decided to break off the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty - TASS) because Washington needs missiles banned under it, including against China, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an exclusive interview with TASS on the results of 2023.

"Here is just one example: under contrived pretexts, the US decided to break the INF Treaty. In reality, the US just needed the missiles banned under the treaty, including against China. Restrictions against them got in the way and they were removed without any qualms. The negative consequences of this step for regional and global security are obvious," Lavrov noted.

The US suspended its obligations under the Treaty on February 2, 2019, based on Russia's alleged violation of the agreement. Washington first made the announcement in July 2014. According to the US administration, Russia violated the treaty by building the Novator 9M729 missile. Moscow refuted these accusations and presented a number of counterclaims, for example, concerning elements of the US missile defense system in Europe.

In September 2019, it was reported that Putin sent a proposal to the leaders of several countries, including NATO members, to impose a moratorium on the deployment of the INF Treaty in Europe and elsewhere. The US subsequently effectively rejected the initiative.