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Western judicial system proven its bias repeatedly — Lavrov on Assad arrest warrant

"I am unaware what facts and assessments the Paris courts based its verdict on," the top Russian diplomat noted

MOSCOW, November 16. /TASS/. The Western judicial system has repeatedly proven its bias both on the national and international level, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said during a press conference.

The Minister made this remark, commenting on the French court’s ruling to issue an arrest warrant for Syrian President Bashar Assad over allegations of using chemical weapons in 2013.

"The episode in question, 2013, use of chemical weapons in the Idlib zone, it is well known. Many independent experts, journalists, including Western journalists, published facts that make it possible to assume, at least, that this chemical weapons action involved the notorious Nusra Front terror group [outlawed in Russia - TASS]," Lavrov said.

"I am unaware what facts and assessments the Paris courts based its verdict on," he added.