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Pakistan’s leadership taking pragmatic path by deepening relations with Russia — analyst

"Russia is one of the most suitable partner[s] for Pakistan, which is also willing to help the country in this hour of need to address these pressing issues, particularly by providing food and energy commodities on affordable rates and via mechanisms that best suit Pakistan’s convenience," Taimur Fahad Khan noted

ISLAMABAD, October 18. /TASS/. Efforts to develop closer relations with Russia correspond to Pakistan’s national interests and represent a pragmatic, timely decision by the nation’s leaders, Taimur Fahad Khan, a research associate at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad, told TASS.

"Pakistan is without a doubt aiming to further deepen its bilateral relationship with Russia and enhance cooperation in multiple fields, especially in trade, investment and defense. This is a pragmatic thinking by Pakistan and need of the hour, especially for Pakistan," Khan emphasized.

Such a move is being driven by the strategic vision for the country detailed in Pakistan’s Comprehensive National Security Policy, which highlights "Pakistan’s policy shift primarily towards geo-economics, [while] avoid[ing] bloc politics, and maintain[ing] durable and strong relations with all major powers of the world including Russia," the analyst noted. Given the current economic situation in the country, marked by such pressing issues as acute food and energy shortages, "Russia is one of the most suitable partner[s] for Pakistan, which is also willing to help the country in this hour of need to address these pressing issues, particularly by providing food and energy commodities on affordable rates and via mechanisms that best suit Pakistan’s convenience," he added.