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Asian, African countries waiting for 'Russia's return' — MFA

Sergey Ryabkov emphasized that "developing countries clearly remember the USSR's decisive contribution to their independence, the establishment of their statehood, and the creation of industrial infrastructure"

MOSCOW, October 13. /TASS/. African, Asian, Latin American and Middle Eastern countries are interested in seeing Russia’s presence in key areas expand, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said at a plenary session of the Russian International Studies Association (RISA) at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO).

"Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America are waiting for Russia's return. For them, this means a qualitative increase in our country's presence in key areas. We invariably hear about this in the course of numerous contacts, including those at the foreign ministers' level," the deputy minister said.

Ryabkov emphasized that "developing countries clearly remember the USSR's decisive contribution to their independence, the establishment of their statehood, and the creation of industrial infrastructure." "Even today Russia is ready to do a great deal for our partners on a mutually beneficial basis. That means cooperation in maintaining comprehensive security, ensuring food and energy sovereignty, solving problems in digitalization, healthcare, and education," he continued. "Our country's aid, unlike that of the West, does not come with political conditions and is provided in collaboration with central governments.".