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Putin slams allegations of Russia’s involvement in Balticconnector incident

"Utter nonsense," the head of state said, answering the question regarding "the Russian trace" in this incident

BISHKEK, October 13. /TASS/. Allegations regarding the potential involvement of Russia in the incident with the Balticconnector gas pipeline between Finland and Estonia are "utter nonsense," Russian President Vladimir Putin told reporters.

"Utter nonsense," the head of state said, answering the question regarding "the Russian trace" in this incident.

"I even was not aware that it exists, this pipeline. As Gazprom told me, it is not as protected as our [Nord] Streams," the head of state said.

"Therefore, anything can [occur] there," Putin noted. The Russian leader listed potential causes of the leak in the gas pipeline. "There may be a technological [situation], it may be touched by hook, there may be an earthquake," the head of state said. "I do not know; let them investigate, we are not allowed actually to have access to anything, to any investigations," the President added.

The operation of the subsea gas pipeline between Finland and Estonia was suspended in view of the suspicion of leakage. Finland’s authorities said at the press conference on October 10 that the gas pipeline damage discovered early in the morning on October 9 could probably be a result of external effect.