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West sees Russia as constant threat — top Russian security official

"Today, the entire arsenal of resources available to the adversaries is being used against Russia," Nikolay Patrushev said

MOSCOW, September 15. /TASS/. Russia is perceived by Western countries as a constant threat, and is using its entire arsenal of resources against it, Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolay Patrushev said in an article for the Razvedchik (Intelligence Officer) magazine.

Patrushev noted that this is due to the fact that "the dismantling of the colonial system began after World War II under the direct influence of the achievements and victories of the Soviet Union," because it was then that Western countries lost control over their "possessions" and "dozens of states around the world gained independence."

"Russia is seen by the West as a constant threat," the Security Council secretary wrote. "Today, the entire arsenal of resources available to the adversaries is being used against Russia."

The top security official noted that these are "not only threats or sanctions," but also through curating information and "a multi-level system of conditioning public opinion," Patrushev explained. "In this regard, it should be remembered that military power alone, even advanced as it is with missile and nuclear capabilities, is not enough to defend against Western geopolitical aggression. It is important to confront it in an organized manner in a large-scale battle for minds and hearts," the Security Council secretary stressed.

The collapse of the USSR led to "a shift in the balance of power," and Western countries took advantage of this to "strengthen their domination around the world," Patrushev said. "Today, the United States and Europe are spending huge resources to find and raise so-called young democratic leaders in special schools, who will then be used to organize coups d'etat to establish regimes dependent on the West in previously independent states," the Security Council secretary pointed out.

The West gains additional leverage by involving promising officials and representatives of law enforcement agencies in the training, he said. "In recent years, hundreds of employees of foreign intelligence services, as well as other persons involved in the organization of intelligence and subversive activities against our country and our strategic partners have been identified and neutralized," Patrushev noted.

On the tactics of Western countries

The Security Council Secretary pointed out that the US and its allies, having been rebuffed, turned to tactics of destruction. "Ignoring the goals and principles of the UN Charter, they seek to replace international law with a 'rules-based order' that they themselves determine," Patrushev said.

"The US establishment has convinced itself of America's allegedly special messianic purpose - to rule the world by pursuing a forceful foreign policy without recognizing anyone's interests," Patrushev said, adding that, "the West is trying to destroy alliances beyond its control - ASEAN, the SCO, BRICS, the CIS, the EAEU and others - in order to turn independent states into its vassals."

"The White House is obsessed with the idea of forming a security network in the Asia-Pacific region (APR), with Tokyo playing a significant role in this. Plans are being hatched to create a NATO branch in the APR," the Security Council secretary claimed. Also, he noted that Washington "cannot let go of the idea of having a NATO branch in the Middle East.".