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Pragmatic US pursues its own interests, its ‘vassals’ getting the picture — Putin

The President noted that the US couldn’t care less about the interests of their allies

MOSCOW, June 13. /TASS/. The US acts in a pragmatic way, focusing on its own interests and its "vassals" are growing aware of this, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with military correspondents.

"The Americans are acting very pragmatically, exclusively in their own interests. They couldn’t care less about the interests of their allies. Not that they have any allies, just vassals. The vassals are starting to understand what role they have been primed for," he said.

Putin said the Europeans don’t like this.

"Some of my friends there tell me, ‘The situation is like it was in the Soviet Union.’ I say, ‘How do you mean?’ They go, ‘when they’re at their companies, in their offices, they sit around and badmouth Russia. When they come home, to their kitchens, things are different,’" the president shared.