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Putin says grain exports revenues are Ukraine’s main source of foreign exchange earnings

"Today, but it seems to me that the grain is Ukraine's primary source of foreign exchange revenues. Everything else has virtually collapsed," the Russian president stated

MOSCOW, June 13. /TASS/. Grain export revenues remain Ukraine's main source of foreign exchange earnings, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with military reporters on Tuesday.

He called attention to the fact that the majority of Ukrainian grain is sent to "quite prosperous European Union countries." "They are the primary consumers of Ukrainian grain. It is less expensive. They are fine, and Ukraine is compensated for it. Today, and I could be wrong, but it seems to me that this is Ukraine's primary source of foreign exchange revenues. Everything else has virtually collapsed," Putin stated.

He added that Ukraine has practically no weapons of its own - there are still old Soviet factories where military equipment is repaired, but there are "fewer and fewer of them."

Putin noted that the task of demilitarizing Ukraine continues. "They have less and less of their own [weapons] - there is almost nothing. There are still old Soviet factories where equipment is repaired. But there are fewer and fewer of them, because as soon as we get information about where they are and what is going on, we try to interfere with these facilities," he explained.