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Fee-based services for households up 6.9% in 2023 — statistics

Fee-based amenity services increased by 9.5% year on year and stood at $19.4 bln

MOSCOW, July 12. /TASS/. Chargeable services provided to the Russian population edged up by 6.9% year on year and reached 15.1 trillion rubles ($170.2 bln), the Russian national statistical service (Rosstat) reported.

"Every Russian in average spends 103,317 rubles ($1,160) for chargeable services per year. Public utilities, transport and amenity services account for the largest expenses," the statistical service said.

Fee-based amenity services increased by 9.5% year on year and stood at 1.735 trillion rubles ($19.4 bln).

The volume of paid services doubled in Russia over the last decade, the statistical service informed. The coronavirus pandemic and development of information technologies led to appearing new services and to growing volumes of services.