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Russian court seizes Deutsche Bank’s assets under RusChemAlliance’s claims

According to the files of arbitration cases, the court has partially upheld RusChemAlliance’s claim for interim measures against Deutsche Bank

MOSCOW, May 18. /TASS/. The Court of Arbitration in St. Petersbrug and the Leningrad Region has seized the property, accounts and securities of Deutsche Bank based on a claim by RusChemAlliance, the operator of a project to construct a gas processing and liquefaction facility in Ust-Luga.

According to the files of arbitration cases, the court has partially upheld RusChemAlliance’s claim for interim measures against Deutsche Bank.

Earlier, the company filed a 22.2 bln ruble ($241 mln) lawsuit against Deutsche Bank as part of bank guarantee claims, demanding a foreclosure of Deutsche Bank’s subsidiaries in Russia.