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Russia’s coal extraction down 0.2% in 11M 2023

Total coal production in Russia decreased by 7.7% in November 2023 compared to November last year, reaching 37.7 mln tons

MOSCOW, December 27. /TASS/. Coal extractioin in Russia in January - November 2023 reached 391 mln tons, which is 0.2% less than in the same period last year, according to the Russian State Statistics Service (Rosstat).

Over the eleven months, coal production of all types decreased in annual terms by 1.2% to 308 mln tons. Anthracite production increased by 6% to 23.8 mln tons, and coking coal production decreased by 3.5% to 93.9 mln tons. Mining of other hard coal grades during the reporting period lost 0.8% to 191 mln tons, and production of brown coal edged up by 3.6% to 82.5 mln tons.

Total coal production in Russia decreased by 7.7% in November 2023 compared to November last year, reaching 37.7 mln tons. Coking coal output was 9.7 mln tons, 2.5% less than in November 2022, while other hard coal grades output contracted by 11.4% to 17.4 mln tons. Brown coal output fell by 6.7% to 8.9 mln tons.