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Russian fish supplies to China soaring over 8M 2023 — association

Opening of new product niches in the Chinese domestic market will facilitate further growth of supplies, President of the Association German Zverev said

MOSCOW, October 24. /TASS/. Supplies of fish products from Russia to China gained 20% over eight months of 2023 and totaled 776,000 metric tons, the All-Russian Association of Fish Producers (ARAFP) said.

"Over eight months of 2023, supplies surged by almost 20% against the like figure of the last year to 776,000 metric tons. Their value amounted to $1.9 bln," the Association said.

Opening of new product niches in the Chinese domestic market will facilitate further growth of supplies, President of the Association German Zverev said.

"The first one is frozen crabs. Chinese are largely buying live crabs now in HoReCa channels but retail and online delivery channels show interest in frozen crabs. The second one is salmons, deliveries of blueback salmon and calico for internal consumption in China. The third one is the Alaska pollack roe. This is the market of a single buyer now - Japan, which annually purchases about 25,000 metric tons of Alaska pollack roe from Russia, but consistent efforts on promotion of this product in the Chinese market will make it possible to diversify supply channels," he noted.

The Chinese market is interesting for the whole world, Zverev noted. "China has strengthened its position as the global processing center after accession to WTO. Imports of fish products by China surged tenfold over twenty years, from $1.8 bln to 18 bln," he added.
