MOSCOW, November 26. /TASS/. /TASS/. Creator of Telegram messenger Pavel Durov has said that specialists working on the app are successfully fighting against distribution of terrorism-related content.
"For the past several years, we've been fighting the spread of terrorist content on Telegram," Durov wrote on his Telegram account. "We've been doing it in a way that is consistent with our values and Privacy Policy," he added. "While some pundits quite irresponsibly suggested that absolute privacy and counter-terrorism measures are mutually exclusive, the success of our regular anti-terror actions prove that this is not the case," he noted.
"As I have made clear before, ISIS [terrorist organization banned in Russia] and their likes will have hard time on Telegram if they continue to spread their message of violence and hatred. After the ISIS attacks in Europe we have zero tolerance for their propaganda on our platform," Durov said. "At the same time, we'll continue to defend our users' absolute right to privacy like no other service, proving that you don't have to sacrifice privacy for security. You can — and should — enjoy both," he concluded.