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Russian forces develop capabilities to reduce efficiency of US missile defense — commander

Sergey Karakaev also said that it is planned to continue developing existing scientific and technical experience in the field of masking and reducing the visibility of missiles and warheads, changing the trajectory and ballistic capabilities of ICBMs and their combat equipment

MOSCOW, December 16. /TASS/. The Russian Strategic Missile Forces have proposed certain technical measures to reduce the efficiency of the prospective US missile defense system, Colonel General Sergey Karakayev, the commander of the forces, told the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper.

"The Strategic Missile Forces have proposed a number of military-technical measures to sufficiently reduce the effectiveness of the prospective US missile defense system and ensure guaranteed completion of any missions," he said in an interview ahead of Strategic Missile Forces Day celebrated on December 17.

He said these measures are primarily related to the creation of missile systems that are equipped with the latest technology of penetrating missile defenses, considering the estimated specifications of future missile defense surveillance and interception systems.

The commander also said there are plans to continue the development of the existing scientific and technical expertise in the areas of cloaking and reducing the visibility of missiles and warheads, varying the trajectory and ballistic capabilities of ICBMs and their combat equipment. Work will also continue to build systems delivering fire and functional damage on information, intelligence, control and strike capabilities of the missile defense system that is being created.

"We now can state with confidence that the US in the foreseeable future will not give up attempts to reduce the capabilities of Russia's strategic nuclear forces, and will continue to explore and implement new additional ways to accomplish this goal," Karakayev said.