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European Commission chief drags EU deeper into Ukrainian conflict — lawmaker

Harald Vilimsky was commenting on the results of a poll showing that the Austrian people were more dissatisfied with EU policies than any other country’s population

VIENNA, December 7. /TASS/. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is dragging the European Union deeper and deeper into the Ukrainian conflict, demanding that member states send ever larger sums of money to Kiev, lawmaker Harald Vilimsky, who heads the delegation of the Austrian Freedom Party in the European Parliament, said.

"Vaunted European solutions are not solutions, they are part of the problem. Brussels has utterly failed on the migration issue. Mass immigration to Europe has not stopped, and asylum rights are being violated. European Commission President [Ursula] von der Leyen is dragging the Union deeper and deeper into the war in Ukraine, demanding more and more money for it. Inflation - also fueled by the European Green Deal - puts a heavy burden on the shoulders of citizens," the APS press service quoted the politician's statement.

Vilimsky was commenting on the results of a poll showing that the Austrian people were more dissatisfied with EU policies than any other country’s population. According to a survey published the day before by Eurobarometer, the EU's sociological service, only 42% of Austrians are satisfied with the country's membership in the European Union, while 22% of the inhabitants of the country evaluate its participation in the association negatively. These figures were the lowest and highest, respectively, among all 27 members of the EU.

According to a poll published by the Austria Press Agency on November 29, the Austrian Freedom Party is the most popular political party in the country (30.3%). The ruling Austrian People's Party (20.5%) and the Greens (8.9%) together are backed by 29.4% of the population.