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Moscow court arrests Russian citizen for attempt to join Ukrainian armed formation

According to a source, Maxim Dmitriyenko served in the French Foreign Legion for three years

MOSCOW, April 13. /TASS/. Moscow’s Lefortovo District Court arrested Russian citizen Maxim Dmitriyenko who tried to join one of Ukrainian nationalist formations in order to participate in military action against Russia, a source in law enforcement told TASS.

"Dmitriyenko was going to leave Russian territory and join one of Ukraine’s nationalist formations. He was apprehended by FSB agents. The Lefortovo Court arrested him for two months," the source said.

According to the materials of his criminal case made available to TASS, the perpetrator earlier served in the French Foreign Legion.

"Dmitriyenko served in the French Foreign Legion for three years, his last position was an operator-gunner of an infantry fighting vehicle," the documents said. It was noted that he contacted the Ukrainian embassy in Paris for assistance in joining the Ukrainian armed formations yet was denied since he is a Russian citizen. Later, he tried to enter Ukraine from Russia yet was detained by the FSB. According to his criminal case, Dmitriyenko was in touch with the militants of the Azov nationalist battalion who also previously served in the Foreign Legion.

The court confirmed information on arresting an individual named Maxim Dmitriyenko. "He was charged under Part 2, Article 208 of the Russian Criminal Code (participating in an armed formation on the territory of a foreign state not recognized by legislation of this state for purposes contradicting the interests of the Russian Federation). The court satisfied the investigation’s request and imposed a two-month incarceration as a restrictive measure against him," the court said. The perpetrator is facing up to 15 years in prison.