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One can be vaccinated six months after having COVID-19 with any antibody levels — expert

With the help of vaccination, the immune system will receive a reminder of "exactly where to attack the coronavirus"

MOSCOW, June 25. /TASS/. People with any antibody levels who had COVID-19 can be vaccinated, but it is better to do so six months after the disease, head of the Yekaterinburg Research Institute of Viral Infections Alexander Semenov informed TASS. 

"It is not the number of antibodies that matters, there may be quite a few of them, but they will be not very effective, but their quality, that is, their ability to neutralize the coronavirus. That is why [vaccination against COVID-19] is actually allowed for people with any amount of antibodies after the disease, especially after a fairly long period of time, at least six months," he said.

With the help of vaccination, the immune system will receive a reminder of "exactly where to attack the coronavirus." The vaccine enables one to immediately produce effective high-quality antibodies with minimal losses," the expert concluded.