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Russia calls on West to restore nuclear deal after Iran's presidential election — diplomat

Meanwhile, the Iranian side, China and Russia have repeatedly that they are ready to restore the deal

VIENNA, July 12. /TASS/. The future of the Iran nuclear deal after the presidential election in that country depends on the West’s actions, Russian Deputy Permanent Representative to the Vienna-based international organizations Roman Ustinov said.

"As concerns this matter, I wouldn’t look to political processes in Iran but would rather take cures from the position of the United States and European participants in the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action - TASS) - Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. They have refused from talks and the nuclear deal restoration. As far as I remember, high-ranking US officials have recently said that they are not going to resume talks following the election in Iran," he told TASS.

Meanwhile, the Iranian side, China and Russia have repeatedly that they are ready to restore the deal. In June, they made a trilateral statement, which unequivocally reiterated their support for the nuclear deal and readiness to resume talks, the Russian diplomat recalled.

"I would address these questions about the potential resumption of talks to the Western countries. It is them who are blocking this process," Ustinov stressed.

The second round of Iran's snap presidential election, called after the death of Ebrahim Raisi, was held on July 5. The candidate from the reformist wing, former Health Minister Masoud Pezeshkian, won with 53.6% of the vote. Conservative Saeed Jalili received 44.3%.