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‘Peace summit’ on Ukraine is ‘usual humbug’, says Russian diplomat

Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell said the other day that a halt in arms supplies to the Kiev regime would put an end to the bloodshed in a couple of weeks, Maria Zakharova reminded

MOSCOW, May 24. /TASS/. The Ukraine conference in Switzerland is another trickery designed by the US Department of State, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said, commenting on Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba’s remarks that Russia is allegedly frightened of the success of the Swiss forum.

"As far as the ‘peace summit’ in Switzerland mentioned by Kuleba is concerned, it is usual humbug cooked up by the US Department of State," Zakharova wrote on her Telegram channel. "Everybody realizes it. How can those host ‘a peace conference’ that send weapons to the conflict zone while simultaneously [announcing] supposedly pacifist initiatives?".

"And now the truth. Russian ‘sources’ inform that Russia has never refused to hold talks, since April 2022, when following the UK’s demand, the Kiev regime blocked the negotiation process which it itself had requested earlier," the diplomat wrote. "Over the past two years, this thesis has been voiced in thousands of interviews, statements and speeches of Russian officials."

"Let me remind you that [EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep] Borrell said the other day that a halt in arms supplies to the Kiev regime would put an end to the bloodshed in a couple of weeks. This is a real ‘peace formula’," Zakharova wrote.