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No weapons from West can turn tide of special operation — Kremlin spokesman

Dmitry Peskov noted that the West was now "intensively provoking tensions and constantly raising the level of escalation"

MOSCOW, May 23. /TASS/. No weapons supplied by the West will be able to turn the course of Russia's special operation in Ukraine, Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov has told VGTRK TV interviewer Pavel Zarubin.

Peskov noted that the West was now "intensively provoking tensions and constantly raising the level of escalation."

"We know that both among US senators and congressmen there are many 'hotheads' who feel obliged to further add fuel to the fire. Their stance is absolutely irresponsible. It is dangerous by virtue of its consequences," Peskov warned.

"It is now becoming obvious to all experts that no weapons [supplied by the West] are capable of somehow turning the tide of events in the special operation’s zone," Peskov says in a video uploaded to Zarubin’s Telegram channel.

"The only thing these weapons are capable of doing is to make the plight of the Ukrainian people harder. Russia is continuing the special military operation and will do so until all of its goals are achieved," Peskov pointed out.