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'Ukraine summit' delays real political outcome of conflict — Russian MFA

Maria Zakharova noted that those who really cherish peace would neither permit arms deliveries or give a go-ahead to terrorist attacks
Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova Vladimir Smirnov/TASS
Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova
© Vladimir Smirnov/TASS

MOSCOW, May 23. /TASS/. The conference on Ukraine is aimed not at achieving peace but, on the contrary, at delaying the real political outcome of the situation around Russia and Ukraine, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has told a news briefing.

"It is aimed not at achieving peace, but at continuing futile attempts to inflict, as they say, a 'strategic defeat on Russia' or 'defeat on the battlefield,' which they hope to stimulate politically or put on record somewhere." I can tell you right away that this meeting will end inconclusively. It will be confined to some 'get-togethers' of Western and Ukrainian representatives. Its holding is pointless. It is doomed to fail a priori. It is not an attempt to somehow come closer to a discussion of the problems and a peace settlement. It is, on the contrary, an attempt to maximize the real political outcome of the whole situation," Zakharova said.

She noted that those who really cherish peace would neither permit arms deliveries or give a go-ahead to terrorist attacks.

"Why is the conference doomed to fail? Because negotiations with Russia have been a taboo for the Kiev regime and are still forbidden, because - the second reason - arms deliveries are going on. And the third reason is the Kiev regime is committing terrorist acts in our country with Western weapons and with the political support of Western countries, which literally incite it to commit ever more terrorist acts against civilian infrastructure," Zakharova said.