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Russian forces repulse two Ukrainian attacks in south Donetsk area

The enemy’s losses amounted to over 100 personnel killed and wounded

MOSCOW, March 1. /TASS/. Russian forces repulsed two Ukrainian attacks in the south Donetsk direction and thwarted two attempted rotations of the enemy forces in the area, Spokesman for Russia’s Battlegroup East Alexander Gordeyev told TASS on Friday.

"The Russian forces repelled two attacks of the 102nd territorial defense brigade near the settlement of Malinovka and also prevented the enemy troops’ attempted rotations near the settlements of Malinovka and Ravnopol," he said.

According to him, the Russian forces wiped out strongholds and places of Ukrainian manpower deployment near the communities of Urozhainoye, Ravnopol, Ugledar, Staromayorskoye and Gulyaipole eliminating 12 temporary stationing points, two drone navigation centers and one arming point.

The enemy’s losses amounted to over 100 personnel killed and wounded, a Gvozdika motorized artillery system, a D-20 howitzer and three motor vehicles, Gordeyev added.