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Media reports alleging 'Russia’s plans for nuclear weapons in space' US ploy — Kremlin

Dmitry Peskov underlined that "it's clear that the White House, rightly or wrongly, is trying to push Congress to vote on the appropriations bill"

MOSCOW, February 15. /TASS/. Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov has called Western media reports about Russia's alleged plans to deploy nuclear weapons in space another ploy by the White House.

"I can't comment on this at all. Let's wait for this briefing [by US President Joe Biden's National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan] to see if there's any information. But it's clear that the White House, rightly or wrongly, is trying to push Congress to vote on the appropriations bill; that's obvious. We'll see what kind of ploys the White House will use [to get the funding passed]; we'll see," he told reporters.

Earlier, Sullivan said that he would hold a briefing in the US House of Representatives on February 15 to discuss the alleged threat to the country's national security. US House Speaker Mike Johnson (Republican-Louisiana) said that he saw no reason for "public alarm."

Earlier, ABC News reported that this alleged national security threat could be related to a plan by Moscow to deploy nuclear weapons in space. The New York Times reported, citing officials, that the matter is still only about Russia's potential plans and the project is "still in development." Therefore, the officials pointed out, such plans do not pose a serious threat to the United States or its European allies.

The New York Times also said that the rhetoric about an alleged threat to the United States could be meant to persuade Congress to approve additional aid for Kiev.