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Putin was right to compare EU leaders with collaborationists — French politician

During his question-and-answer session and press conference on Thursday, the Russian president said that "many European politicians outwardly behave like General Charles de Gaulle, who fought for the interests of France by force of arms"

PARIS, December 15. /TASS/. A leader of a French party, The Patriots, and a former member of the European Parliament, Florian Philippot, said he shared Russian President Vladimir Putin’s opinion that certain European politicians were currently acting like World War Two collaborationists.

"Putin was 100% right in his today’s description of EU leaders," Philippot wrote. "This is exactly how it is. We are ruled by Petains, traitors and collaborationists, and we must get rid of them as soon as possible."

During his question-and-answer session and press conference on Thursday, Putin said that "many European politicians outwardly behave like General Charles de Gaulle, who fought for the interests of France by force of arms, gathering everything that the French had to resist the occupiers, but in practice [these political figures] act like Marshal Philippe Petain, who, although he was a hero of the First World War, was a collaborator during the Second World War and submitted to the will of the occupiers.".