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Warsaw's actions may lead to EU collapse — Medvedev

"The poorly concealed hatred in the developed part of the European Union towards Poland, Poles and, in particular, the Law and Justice Party will continue to persist and worsen their relations with developed European countries," the politician noted

MOSCOW, November 2. /TASS/. The European Union may collapse due to Poland's actions, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said.

"The poorly concealed hatred in the developed part of the European Union towards Poland, Poles and, in particular, the Law and Justice Party will continue to persist and worsen their relations with developed European countries (primarily Germany and France). They will hope that other pro-European forces will come to power there," Medvedev wrote in an article for Rossiyskaya Gazeta. In his opinion, "now the leading EU states consider the Polish authorities as malicious upstarts who selfishly use all their institutions exclusively for their own selfish purposes and contribute nothing to the European piggy bank." "And after the beginning of the special military operation, when Poland appropriated for itself the glory of a fierce defender of the dying Ukraine and the main US ally in the region, this opinion has only strengthened," he pointed out.

"It can be assumed that in the long run this will contribute to the destabilization of the EU structure itself, up to a full-blown conflict within the 'friendly' European family and even the collapse of the European Union triggered by Poland’s actions," the official opined.