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US already among leaders of states interfering in Palestine-Israeli conflict — Lavrov

The more such initiative steps come from basically any state, the higher the risk of the conflict spreading is, Russian Foreign Minister said

TEHRAN, October 24. /TASS/. The US is already among the leaders of countries that interfere in the Palestine-Israeli conflict, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said after the "3+3" format Ministerial meeting on South Caucasus.

"As for predictions of [US Secretary of State] Antony Blinken regarding interference of third forces in this conflict, the US is already among the leaders of those who interfere. This includes sending two aircraft groups, and several thousands soldiers to the conflict area - as far as I understand, with all necessary weapons, including heavy ones," the minister said, commenting on Blinken’s words about Washington’s readiness to act if the conflict escalates because of some third, pro-Iranian force.

"The more such initiative steps come from basically any state, the higher the risk of the conflict spreading is," he added.