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Putin calls for freeing world from bloc approach and colonial legacy

According to the Russian leader, "harmony in this sphere is achievable, we just need to put aside pride and hubris and stop looking at others as second-class partners or as pariahs or savages"

SOCHI, October 5. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has called for freeing the world from the bloc approach and colonial legacy of the Cold War.

"The main thing is to free international relations from the bloc approach, from the legacy of the colonial era and the Cold War," he said at a plenary session of the Valdai Discussion Club.

He pointed out that Russia "stands for universal security and lasting peace, based on respect for the interests of all, from large, powerful states to small countries." "We have been talking for decades about the indivisibility of security, about the impossibility of ensuring the security of some at the expense of the security of others. And, in fact, harmony in this sphere is achievable, we just need to put aside pride and hubris and stop looking at others as second-class partners or as pariahs or savages," Putin said.

He pointed out that the Russian side "stands for justice for all." "The time of exploiting everyone <...> is in the past," the head of state added.

Putin emphasized that Russia "stands for equality, for the difference of potentials of different countries, this is an absolutely objective factor." "But no less objective is the fact that no one is ready to obey, to make their interests and needs dependent on anyone else, especially on those who are richer or stronger. This is not only the natural state of the international community, it is the quintessence of the entire historical experience of humanity. These are the principles that we want to adhere to ourselves and that we invite all our friends and colleagues to adhere to," the Russian leader concluded.