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Talk of Kiev guarantees signal of US readiness to wash hands of conflict — Russian senator

According to Vladimir Dzhabarov, the US has announced "some security guarantees" in order to calm its partners in Kiev down

MOSCOW, August 4. /TASS/. The US is unable to provide any real security guarantees to Ukraine, so Washington is working on a scenario to gradually walk away from the conflict, said Vladimir Dzhabarov, first deputy chairman of the Russian Federation Council (upper house of parliament) Foreign Affairs Committee.

"I think that the Americans are working on a scenario to gradually exit from the conflict. What sort of security guarantees could they provide to Ukraine at this point? No guarantees at all. It’s either direct military intervention and, subsequently, a full-blown World War III scenario with devastating consequences for the entire world, or an attempt to keep the current regime in power, which, unfortunately, does not yet understand that it is doomed," the senator said in an interview with the Parlamentskaya Gazeta newspaper.

According to Dzhabarov, the US has announced "some security guarantees" in order to calm its partners in Kiev down. "However, I don’t actually believe that there will be any real guarantees. Generic phrases about creating transparent institutions don’t suit Ukraine at all. There has never been anything transparent there. Since independence, it has always been a country with murky waters in the political sense, where the main goal has always been to get to power, line one’s pockets and then quietly move abroad. The situation will be the same after our special military operation ends successfully," Dzhabarov noted.

He pointed out that, "everyone slowly moved away from the issue of Ukraine’s NATO membership" at the North Atlantic Alliance’s recent summit in Vilnius. "Now, the Americans are once again raising the issue of [Ukraine’s] integration with the North Atlantic Alliance. Nothing like that is going to happen. They needed Ukraine as an anti-Russian entity, a weak and invalid state, but I don’t believe that anyone is genuinely interested in it," the Russian senator stressed.

Earlier, Office of the President of Ukraine Head Andrey Yermak announced that Kiev and Washington were about to initiate bilateral talks on security guarantees. On July 31, the Biden administration announced that the United States and Ukraine would launch talks on security guarantees this week. US State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller said that the negotiations would take place online; the US delegation would be led by the assistant secretary of State for European and Eurasian affairs. Miller added that the talks would be held in line with the commitments that the G7 nations made on the sidelines of NATO’s Vilnius summit.