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Russia, Africa to discuss ways of grain, fertilizer supplies — Federation Council speaker

According to Valentina Matviyenko, Russia will perform its obligations to supply grain and fertilizers, including on a commercial and on a free of charge basis

MOSCOW, July 25. /TASS/. Russia will continue honoring its commitments and supplying grain and fertilizer to African countries after termination of the grain deal, speaker of the Federation Council, the upper chamber of the Russian legislative assembly, Valentina Matviyenko said at a press conference on Tuesday.

"Russia will perform its obligations - and we have tools and abilities to do so - and will supply grain and fertilizers, including on a commercial and on a free of charge basis, to African countries acutely needing them," Matviyenko said.

The Western countries "are absolutely disinterested in the poorest countries," the speaker said. "There were even no attempts to behave themselves in a humanistic way" on their part because just about 3% of grain as part of the deal were supplied to Africa, she added.