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Putin’s official visit to China may take place in September

Preparations are underway, according to the Russian ambassador to China

BEIJING, May 8. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s official visit to China may take place in September, Russian Ambassador to China Andrei Denisov told journalists on Friday.

"You know, according to the schedule, the summits of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the BRICS association (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) are scheduled to be held in St. Petersburg after July 20. We also discussed with our Chinese partners on a preliminary basis the possibility of our head of state’s visit to China at the beginning of autumn," he said.

"Until these events (the pandemic - TASS) began, we had an understanding about the possibility of an official visit of the Russian head of state to China somewhere in September, without setting any specific dates. Exchanges between our leaders are fairly active. They have four or five meetings per year both in our countries, Russia and China, and in third countries at international events. There is always one state or official visit every year," Denisov explained.

"All that remains in force so far, it has not been taken off the table. Whether or not we will be able to translate that into reality we cannot say now, but preparations are underway anyway, because, actually, all our work is preparations for such visit," the diplomat added.