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Russia will soon become China’s largest gas supplier — CEO

"With the Power of Siberia and the Far Eastern route reaching full capacity, Russia will become the largest gas supplier to China," Alexey Miller said

MOSCOW, June 28. /TASS/. Once the Power of Siberia gas pipeline and the Far Eastern route reach full capacity, Russia will become the largest supplier of gas to China, Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller said.

Thus, Gazprom is systematically increasing gas supplies to China via the Power of Siberia pipeline, and next year they will reach the stage of 38 bln cubic meters per year. In 2027, Far Eastern route to China for another 10 bln cubic meters of gas per year will be launched.

"With the Power of Siberia and the Far Eastern route reaching full capacity, Russia will become the largest gas supplier to China," Miller was quoted in the company's Telegram channel.

Gazprom also noted the growth of the economies of the Central Asian countries and the resulting high demand for energy resources. "That is why we are working extensively with our partners. Our common goal is to expand gas transportation capacities and reliable long-term gas supplies to consumers in Central Asia," he added.

"Gazprom sees great potential for strengthening relations with all countries that are interested in stable energy operations based on clean and efficient energy resources. Our company can do all that," Miller concluded.
